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Sinners and Saints

Each girl is different. Some grow locks that drag to the floor. Some like it bald. Some girls are thick. Some girls are thin. Some girls like long skirts and turtlenecks, while others prefer a tube top and a

short skirt. Some even prefer nothing at all. And all of these things are totally fine. Just because a girl wears long skirts and turtlenecks doesn't mean she has to be all friendly and never say no. And just because a girl wants to wear a tube top with a short skirt, it never means her legs are open and she always says yes. Judging people like they're books is the most inhumane things a person can do. When a girl prefers to coverup that doesn't mean she's a buzzkill, and if a girl prefers to reveal herself that doesn't mean she wants you. Some girls are empowered by modesty, others by nudity. And accepting either one of these two girls, no matter what she choses to wear, isn't very hard. None of us are saints and everyone is a sinner.

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