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Will I Be My Valentine?

Will you dream a little dream of me? Am I ever on your mind? Do you even know I exist? Will I ever find my one true love? These are the types of things that run through my mind around this time of year, as I’m sure many of you can relate. Although, recently I’ve really been trying to break this habit because it only leads to unnecessary sadness and anxiety. There is no “life handbook” that says you have to be kissed, be in a relationship, or even go on your first date by “X” age, because everyone goes on their own individual journey (don’t stop believing) and you will find that special someone before you know it. There is also this horrible stigma attached to people that are single (i.e. that they are single on purpose, that they don’t deserve someone, or that they will never find someone) and that needs to stop ASAP, because while having a significant other is nice and all, it doesn’t make you any less of an amazing person!

Overall, the main message I want to get across is that you are all so unbelievable beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have you (not that you need someone though, because being alone can be kind of awesome). Yes when you are single there isn’t someone to kiss you at night, buy you a Vermont teddy bear, or hold your hand, but that doesn’t mean that you are completely abandoned in this life. Evaluate all the people in your life, shed what doesn’t serve you, and make sure to let the ones you care about in your life know how much you appreciate them.

This Valentine’s day, be your own valentine! Send some flowers to your mom, give out cards to your friends, and take yourself to the movies (I will probably be seeing “How to Be Single”, even though it goes against my inner film critic). Take an extra-long, candlelit, bubble bath while you listen to your favorite album (or maybe one of the awesome playlists on @thecandyzine’s 8tracks account!). Just remember that if you are currently wishing/lusting for a relationship during these snow covered months (or if you literally aren’t looking for anyone which is totally rad and I kind of envy you), you are seriously FAB and everything you desire will come your way eventually (so be patient babes, the universe has a plan for all of us!).

Here are some of my favorite ANTI + PRO VALENTIES DAY films, along with a single gal soundtrack! (because there are plenty of songs about falling in love let’s be real).


Nirvana ♡ “Heart-Shaped Box” ♡

Bikini Kill ♡ “Tony Randall” ♡

Melanie Martinez ♡ “Pity Party” ♡

Marina and the Diamonds ♡ “Primadonna” ♡

Hole ♡ “Miss World” ♡

Kehlani ♡ “Bright” ♡

Natasha Bedingfield ♡ “Single” ♡

Britney Spears ♡ “Stronger” ♡

Krystal Harris ♡ “Super girl” ♡

Kate Nash ♡ “We Get On” ♡


Comet (2014) dir. Sam Esmail

The To Do List (2013) dir. Maggie Carrey

Velvet Goldmine (1998) dir. Todd Haynes

Chasing Amy (1997) dir. Kevin Smith

Out-Of-Towners (1999) dir. Sam Weisman

They Came Together (2014) dir. David Wain

Death Becomes Her (1992) dir. Robert Zemeckis

Blue Valentine (2010) dir. Derek Ciainfrance

He’s Just Not That Into You (2009) dir. Ken Kwapis

Waiting to Exhale (1995) dir. Forest Whitaker

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