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The Comfort Of High School

High School generally has a bad rep among everyone. Students are usually anxious to graduate, escaping from early mornings, late nights, bad break ups, acne, authority... the list goes on. For me high school will always have a special place in my heart (yes I know that sounds lame). After graduating I realized there's some sort of comfort behind high school. There was so much going on at school that it acted as a distraction for most of my problems. I was to caught up with my friends, school work and activities to worry about everything disastrous going on at home. That all kind of went away after I graduated and sadly developed depression. I miss feeling safe in secure in my high school routine. Things were established for me; my classes were assigned and that was it. I didn't have to pay over $500 classes and not be able to afford my textbooks. I miss knowing everyone. Like Enid from "Ghost World" (2001), I also had a "Dennis", that I would never see again. It's unnerving not having those familiar faces around me. I remember the night I graduated. On the drive home from the prolonged ceremony, I rolled down the window, stuck my head out displaying my cap and tassel, presenting to the world it's newest and happiest graduate. Music filled our car's stereo and the wind was blowing through my hair. Waves of adrenaline and excitement washed over me, but then I began to taste a bit of melancholy. I slid back into my seat, starting to think about everything that comes along with college: was I going to able to afford everything? Would I make friends? Was I smart enough? Eventually the high of excitement came back to me and I had a great night. Looking at it now, entering college was like having the rug pulled from under me. I had to start from scratch. I guess you can call that growing up, which I have much to do of. Things are a little rough now; still dealing with depression and anxiety, but things are better then they were when I first started school. What I'm trying to say or ramble about is although high school was really annoying and a bit of a bummer, I actually kind of enjoyed it and even appreciate it. If you're still in high school make the most out of it. Even if that means sitting in the smelly cafeteria, hanging out in your favorite classroom, going to lame school functions: football games, winter formal, prom... enjoy it. Because those 4 years may seem long and dreadful from the perspective of a freshman, but those 8 semesters go by extremely fast. For those of you who are in college, keep up the good work! It's hard, but I'm sure it'll be worth it for us in the end.

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