Royal Integrity

Sitting back-seat in the carriage of her own existence Unseeing to her magnificence. Her vision is like a cul-de sac to the fact that her very existence impacts mine on a regular basis.
. Her bovine eyes do not realize- that the peace in her smile that could simmer boiling chaos
That the sun may rise and set. But it's her presence that makes my day.
She knows not how beautiful she is.
And it may seem that she needs reassurance, But, she is the spark.
The burning ember in the forest;
In the forest of my dreams.
Oh how, I will never extinguish it.
Let it burn me alive!
Just so it can see it’s intensity.

Royal Integrity is an upcoming organisation that has an ultimate vision of promoting self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect in a world that encourages self-hate and disrespect. We achieve this in the form of art which means that our team consists of young multi-national writers and photographers from the ages of 17-25. It is primarily based in Ireland but stretches out to the middle east and Namibia.
Royal Integrity was founded by a young writer Christie Kandiwa also known as Kayssie. She has been published in numerous magazines and is a part-time editor. After years of watching her friends and family suffer and settle for less , she came to a conclusion that most situations that lead to depression often are rooted in some form of negative attitude towards oneself, to the point where the victim is convinced they do not deserve any better. Hence, they stop trying to reach for "better". She was decided to assemble a team of artists (which continues to grow to date) that will continue to be a source of hope and love for those that feel undeserving.
Royal Integrity is willing to challenge and silence the voice of society telling us we are unworthy to be heard because we weren't born a certain way. Our personal challenge is to shift your perspective, even if it's just for a second. We want you to see yourself as who you truly are, Royalty, Queens and Kings of this generation, ready to conquer and be heard. You'll see us share some of the most intimate pieces we've ever produced (which is quite challenging in itself), revealing the darkest thoughts that drown us daily, and how we struggle to swim until our lips break the surface of the water, just to scream, "You are Royalty! And you will overcome" for a split second.