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An Interview With: Grey...

Grey… is a punk musician, artist, and writer. A true renaissance person, Grey… is the creator of Grey Area HQ, has her own line of wearable art (including shirts, jewelry, and stickers), AND is an editor for School Of Doodle. We got to talk about her upcoming EP Clown In Residence, activism in art, and DIY irl. ❤

1. Your upcoming EP is called Clown In Residence. Clowns seem to be

a recurring theme throughout your work; where did that stem from?

I guess it first stemmed from bullying. I never used really dressed “normally” or did my makeup “normally” so I would be told all the time by relatives or complete strangers that I looked like a clown. Which upset me for the longest time because I wasn’t trying to interfere with anybodies life. Plus I used to be deathly afraid of clowns so it was like adding insult to injury. But it all got turned around when I met my friend Tiger who said those same exact words to me but meant them in a good way. She really loves clowns and me. She even draws them and hopefully I’ll convince her to draw my cover art!

So, basically it stems from me learning to embrace the fact that maybe I am a clown, a fool, a child, sometimes a scary thing to see in the middle of the night walking home hahahah! And I do actually embody many of the characteristics of a clown and I feel like we all do. We all slap on makeup and fake smiles and we each have our props. Whether that be an expensive bag or a fake cigarette like the one I am known to sometimes keep tucked behind my ear. It’s all just out of necessity to make it in this world as comfortably as possible. And If I can make people smile and question their own realities in the process of me expressing myself, I think I’ll keep it up.

2. Your art often deals with political issues like sexism and the violence in Syria- can you speak a little about that?

I have this hero complex that I rarely get to act on so I am very sensitive to “bad news” or unfair circumstances. I see things happen and I feel it all as if it was happening to me and sometimes it is. Experiencing sexism or social divides are very common in my world but drone strikes...not so much.

Sure, it’s alot to take on as one person emotionally but also if I don’t completely submerge myself in someone else’s feelings I think I won’t care as much? I know it doesn’t make perfect sense but there are so many distractions cutting us off from being empathetic or sympathetic. I just want to make sure I don’t let my heart die as I get older. So many people throw up their hands and are actually convinced that they have nothing to contribute to the solution in turn contributing the problem.

All that said, I release the angry and hurt bits of myself in my music so that i can clear my head before i try to think of a logical solution for whatever problems may be going on in the world. And sometimes I’m just too far away, too broke, or too fucked up to do anything and that’s why music is so amazing. No matter where you are or who you are , you can use your voice to reach someone. To at the very least let them know you care. That’s where most of my politically driven songs come from. I know that’s super heavy and depressing but it’s the truth. The world is a fucked up place and I am constantly looking out into the cosmos for good people and good deeds being done. Yah know, just so I don’t end up hating everything. And I know if I’m looking for that in the form of a painting, open letter, song, movie, or simply a sign a homeless man is holding up - I know in my heart there is someone else doing the same thing and I want to make sure that I’m at least contributing a drop into that oasis.

3. Like so many DIY artists, you’ve built your name and brand online and through social media. Can you give us any advice on how that translates into getting involved in real-life events?

Oh sure! That’s nothing but a thing! It all comes down to these 4 rules that I live by.

- People will surprise you!

- Everyone has an email!

- The worst word you can ever hear in this world is "no" and I promise you you're stronger than two letters!

- Have good intentions aka no selfish money hungry bullshit

Basically follow these rules business wise and trust your instincts!

4. You were involved with the Protect Trans Kids event at Junior High in LA a few months ago. Could you tell us about that experience both planning it and getting to hear so many different voices on such an important issue?

Yes , that was my event! I reached out to Junior High after I got wind of the news via social media about Trump’s decision to be a real piece of shit yet again. I had this idea of people making signs that not only showed support but also flashed back to our not so distant past. Basically I had this idea of people making the opposite of a Jim Crow sign. And the reason why I call it that more than anyother thing is because I wanted for people to realize how backwards we are moving with some of our actions and thoughts.

Slavery and segregation were fucked up and stupid! I want people to look at these signs and think about how fucked up and stupid their own prejudice may be and the prejudice in our world. No matter what community you are apart of you should care about everyone. Even people you think you have no connection to. I’d like to think that even if I wasn’t Bisexual I would’ve done this or something to try and help.

Unfortunately due to some unseen circumstances I didn’t get to plan as much of it as I would have liked to. Not from lack of trying just poor communication. Either way people enjoyed themselves and made great posters and shared their stories. One in particular broke my heart. Basically one of the panelist shared a story about not eating or drinking anything all day so that they didn’t have to use the restroom while in public. I’m a huge waterhead so it took a lot for me not to start crying streams of mascara down my face.

I met so many amazing people who were trans or just wanted to do something to try and combat the hate. And there are many more people out there just like that and this June a project I’ve been working on called ‘Arts Not Parts’ will be launched. My friend and I who are organizing this have been busting our asses getting some of the most amazing people and artist to be apart of this!

So, what started as a small idea of mine has spawned into a very huge thing that I can’t wait for the world to know about. And if i wouldn’t have done that first event then I wouldn’t have known how many people are actually out there just waiting for a chance to do the right thing. Even if it is also a form of graffiti hahahha!

5. You’ve done a lot of great work with School of Doodle- can you tell us more about your work with them?

I’m an editor for SOD and I do a whirlwind of things. From writing and editing to getting to curate our infamous IG Stories! It’s really fun getting to have ideas and have them blossom into real tangible things!

Our founder Molly Logan believed in me and a lot of other people for some odd reason and I’m terribly grateful! I never expected to be living in New York this soon in my life with as many great friends I have now. And none of that would have happened if it wasn’t for Doodle.

You can find Grey...'s website here

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