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No Place Like Home / New Krypton

No Place Like Home

Dead-end crescent moon

follow asphalt rainbow-shape

into the interlude

behind us, gracious garden salivates

emeralds, quartz, lazuli.

Night hangs from windowpanes

draped like gauze

day-time oasis; night-time mirage

the cul-de-sac curves into a crescent.


Lounge-room holds its breath

between the hours, the pencil's scratch

slivers the stillness.

Tucked into the arm

of her browning couch

I draw, and draw.

Wrapped in coral sheets once dragged

from hallway cupboards, by

the choc-chipped hands of cousins.

We would convene

for this house lived generational

and I am not the only son

to have curled into this corner.

Coming up the back steps

family draws its last

spinning, cyclonic.

Softly speaking

he predicts the soundtrack

Time to Say Goodbye

and the sheet folds, a coral reef


in waves slamming the shoreline

grit in my eyes.

Oasis; we are washed

from one Home, to another.


Mothers past

away, parallel in abandon

of hand-made homes and children kindred.

Child is wrapped, like meat

set down on table. Seasoned

with fairy breads and tasty dainties

container lined with paper towel

for this godmother has taste

and we won't tell your father.

Soon, school hours:

a status quo spent first at house

And then with Home

the walk a bender 'round the curve

and, for Dad, a rounder robin

of pills to be prescribed.

She does no longer buzz, but beat

to hollow songs, through pipelines.

Water lapping, coughing

into cotton folds, logging joints.

Home musters breath, dusty nostalgic.


Wards learned

slick with sickness, and

suds swirl on the lino'.

Kidneys no longer flush

sudden strokes delivered here.

Memory but a catheter

quick drips, faces blurred


Slow, toys return to house

from Home

LEGO pieces still wedge in grooves

but cannot rebuild her.

I don't recall

if the sheets were coral, too

but we've convened

as if this is another after-noon

for anything but goodbye.

No need for black, the night dresses us

cackling, we remain

choc-chipped, wet lipped

what kind of word is On-om-at-o-po-ei-a?

Linguistics lie in laughter

And even after twilight, Home

in its final hours

is lively, generational

an impervious local fruit

waxen, bruised and

browning, at the centre.

New Krypton

After Superman: Brainiac

Survivors / spared / on spangled shores / rescued

for the sake of refuge / homeland lost / long lost

for how long / who could say? / stars are shimmers

in domed refractions / to count the days / is to count

their hours / stormed in siege / and cosmic ruin / seismic

rumbles rocked a bottle city loose / return? no chance

former soil / poison now / mere radiance / or tokens

of remote existence / we choose not to understand / alien

and are the stories true? / can a planet detonate by the

stirring of its mantle? / can it peel / at its foundations

and blister out of shape? / or are these people

these "people" / liars? / "refugees" / or Our Real Enemies?

they turn their noses up / at our way of life / for we are all

but welcoming / of strangers from a strange land

families were separated by some kind of invisible wall

familiar likenesses / but whose oneness / can't be caught

in mirrors / still we wield / our magnifiers / storm their

homes /stone their brothers / fathers / young / for what?

to prove their threat / "heat vision"? / one hundred-

thousand voices raised / and just as many quieted

for they / not us / not I / set innocents alight / and

threaten from the skies / promised "truth" and "justice"

are lies / when only foreigners make bombs / right?

It is alien / in principle / that when once miniscule

we send for amnesty with haste / but once enlarged

once rescued , freed / the dome lifts / for fear to it replace.

you can find James on instagram here

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